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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Spontaneous international travel is difficult...

So i've been wanting to go to Europe at the end of this year for a long time, but I didn't really put it into action until recently. While that sounds fine in theory it’s been difficult to organise visas and things related. Today I had a visa interview and realised I wouldn't be able to get my passport back if I sent it in today, so now I'm trying to find another way to do it. I'm still going to Europe as planned, but whether or not I will be able to get a working holiday visa in the UK is still undetermined. But never fear, I have back up plans in place ;)

Sunday, November 24, 2013


So I've been studying for exams and researching my trip the last week, nothing too exciting and the other day I found some shot glasses! I plan to give them to my Couch surfing hosts as thank you presents :) 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My adventures begin

My adventures begin

I had decided a while back that I wanted to visit Europe. I'd been to Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Canada and the US so it was time for something different. I was due to graduate November 2013 so I thought new years eve would be a fun adventure. But what to do? I wanted something unique, not to just get drunk at a club (I can do that at home) so I researched and came up with a thermal bath party  Szechenyi bath parties Budapest. After looking at some pictures I was sold, how many people can say they have done this on NYE? 

After attending a Europe travel expo I booked the tickets for the party on the 30th December and organised to visit a travel agent. Usually I book flights online but I thought a big adventure to a country I don't know anybody in might be aided by someone who was more knowledgeable. 

I also decided that a short holiday wasn't something I wanted. No Contiki 2 week visit would satisfy my desire, I like to get to know a place better and move at my own pace. The next plan was to get a working holiday visa, my initial thought was to go somewhere more exotic but my lack of foreign language skills lead me to end up in England. So 2 months travelling through Europe and end up with a few months in England - this way I can make short trips on the weekends. I've applied for the visa interview later this month.

A lot of people have been asking me, "how can you afford this??" Especially since I am a student and took a Disneyland holiday earlier this year. Well to be honest It's hard, I saved up a lot in the first half of the year and took a student loan. Also I plan to use Couch Surfing to save on accommodation costs. If you're not familiar with this basically the idea is you stay on people's couches in the area for free. It's a great way to meet local people and get a perspective that isn't so touristy. Everyone i've met using Couch Surfing has been really friendly and awesome people.  Those not familiar with it wonder if it is safe, but the system is quite regulated. 

So now here I am, still at the planning phase but counting down to December 26 when I leave Sydney. Stay tuned!